Environmental & Climate Justice Committee

 The mission of the Environmental & Climate Justice Committee is to:

1. Address civil rights concerns related to environmental and climate issues. 

2. Develop a comprehensive agenda to reduce air and water pollution.

3. Support energy efficiency and clean energy.

4. Support infrastructure policies and practices that are not disaster prone.

The ECJC will establish priorities from among these goals and devise strategies for addressing them. A potential role is to become a trusted source of information on environmental issues and inform the public via the NAACP Chester Branch website, related organizations, and news media.


Will Richan

Joan Broadfield
Elease S. Elam
Darrell V. Jones
Karen D. Jones
Rev. Jim Ley

Remember Oscar on Sesame Street? “I love trash!”  Time to re-boot!
What can we DO?

 We have so much trash and garbage.  We have a lot of work to do. So much to learn.  

For a long time garbage was simply dumped, piled up in the ocean: 


 This was not sustainable, and slowly the collection of recyclables started.  

 Today, there is curbside recycling, single stream - all of it gets combined: glass, cans and plastic - and it must be clean. And not everything gets recycled.  

*Only plastics 1 thru 7. No styrofoam. No small bottle caps.
Chester has ‘SINGLE STREAM’ recycling: all together.

 In the pandemic more people began to notice that people were not paying good enough attention.

  • The trash and garbage are scheduled for pick up separately from recycle.

  • Sometimes those who collect our garbage and recycle mix them together.  This needs to be reported to the city.

  • The BLUE can is for RECYCLING ONLY.

  • RECYCLING cannot be in plastic bags.

Everything else is garbage and trash.   Your street has a particular time for collection; and holidays can change that.  

 The schedule is on the city website: https://www.chestercity.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/City-of-Chester-2022-calendar.pdf

  • Information needs updating, and more information added.

  • Regular and more timely updated information on the website will help.

  We can start paying more attention now and keep track of this work. The NAACP is here to help.  
Now, consider:

What do YOU want to learn more about?
What are YOU hoping to do?

 Learn about what is recyclable and how plastic bags are handled:

 Learn about what the county is doing:

 Help the city with efforts to support neighborhood cleanups and education.

 Let the NAACP Chester Branch know how you are doing, and how you wish to connect with this work.