Greetings from the President

Message from the President


It is indeed our pleasure to dedicate our new website to you, the people of Chester, to use as another tool for education and information. As we endure this third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all wondering when we will return to normalcy of everyday life.  I thank those who have made the choice to be vaccinated and hope that those who are ambivalent to please consider being vaccinated not only for themselves, but for the sake of others.

I want to say a few words about politics because, believe it or not, it follows you from the cradle to the grave. Good government is created to provide essential services to its citizens. The people you choose to lead must be knowledgeable with the ability to listen to its concerned citizens. They have a duty to be fair, just and respect the well wishes of its citizens. If you have politicians who are not doing this, it is your duty to replace them by voting every year an election is held. Your vote is your voice.  Your power will only be respected when you cast your ballot for qualified candidates or when you cast out the dysfunctional people in leadership.  We have elected a President and the first woman of color Vice President. Now is the time to place more women of color in judicial positions who will affect the everyday people. There are no more important roles in politics than that of judges and local elected officials. They hire police and yes, as of this year, they even convicted a bad one.

The John R. Lewis Voting Act and the George Floyd Policing Act are the two most important pieces of legislation that will lead our country to better economic and living conditions for all of this nation's people.  Yes, we care about the well-being of all Americans, but they must recognize that the past has bestowed privilege on some and ignored others.  So black lives do matter and so does yours.  Let us place a high value on everyone and respect their rights and the pursuit of happiness, liberty and justice. Black males deserve safe passage whenever they travel.  Black women deserve to live in their homes and feel safe. Black people, people of color and the LGBTQ community deserve to live and enjoy life.  This country belongs to ALL of us!  We expect to enjoy life in peace.

 I hope you enjoy the website.

Stay safe!
Darrell V. Jones, President