We are often asked, “Why should I join the NAACP?”

We are all aware that many lives have been affected in a positive way because of organizations such as the NAACP, and the struggles of many people from different walks of life who have identified injustices in our society and decided to take a stand to make a difference.   

Today we benefit from those who marched, boycotted, endured threats, injuries and even lost their lives to open the doors to fair housing, education, employment and freedom from all types of discrimination.  Their efforts were not only for themselves, but for future generations.  And while we have made great strides in these areas, discrimination has taken on different forms.   The NAACP fights continuously to make those who discriminate accountable for their actions, whether they are individuals, corporations, or the government.   We fear no one and will take on anyone who challenges our God given rights.  With your help in becoming a member, continuing your membership, and asking others to become members, we become many voices who merge into a single voice that demands and commands respect. 

And so, like those who took a stand so that we may now enjoy freedoms that we sometimes take for granted, we must step forward and become an example to our youth.  We must encourage them to become a part of an association that will continue to fight for them.

If you are already a member, make a commitment to continue your membership and encourage others to become members.  If your membership has expired, please contact the office to renew it.

Our freedom came with a price.  Let us not forget that to whom much is given, much is required.

Elease S. Elam
Membership Chairperson